Schedule An Inventory Audit Today: 727-244-4770


The nation's most trusted & reliable Automotive Parts Inventory Company, a division of WIS International

Nothing derails an operation like miscounted inventory. That’s where we come in. Dealer Solutions, Inc. (DSI) provides premier inventory services to automobile dealership parts departments across the United States. DSI boasts a robust team of former Parts Managers and Fixed Operations Directors who now use their industry expertise and experience to guide DSI inventories.  When you work with Team DSI, you can trust that nothing will go unaccounted for and that you can fully rely on your parts department inventory.

Why Auto Dealers Trust Us

$866 million in Parts Counted in 2024

1,700+ parts inventories managed annually

Nationwide Service

Specialized Team With Industry Experience & Expertise

What Makes Team DSI Different?

We provide the most accurate count of parts department inventory available on the market.

We compare and reconcile Parts to Accounting to give a full and accurate picture of what is actually in your inventory.

We provide comprehensive charts, data, numbers, and database accuracy as part of our deliverable.

We are the only parts inventory service provider in the industry with our own proprietary scan system that seamlessly integrates with CDK.

Services We Offer

Full Service Inventory

Team DSI uses state-of-the-art technology & reporting practices to ensure that every part is accounted for.

Buy/Sell Inventories

Have confidence that your required parts department  inventory report will help you close the deal.

Unmatched capacity to ensure you get your inventory scheduled to meet the deal closing.

Inventory Management Services

Benefit from independent, impartial, third-party objectivity with a DSI Inventory Manager leading your inventory while associates from the Parts Department do the counting.

Bin Labels

Keep your inventory organized. DSI offers products that improve Parts Department organization including magnetic label holders, part number labels, and bin labels.

Inventory Success Stories

-John, San Jose, CA

“Very efficient, knowledgeable staff. Colby made the process very simple.”

Joel, Mesa, AZ

“Steve always makes the inventories a breeze. Happy to have him at my store always!”

Dennis, Tampa, FL

“Ken is like part of the family!”

Jario, Lemon Grove, CA

“Wes streamlined the entire parts inventory process. The team made fast work of the entire process.” 


-Michael, Tunkhannock, PA

Offering Nationwide Inventory Solutions

Dealer Solutions Inc. is truly a nationwide company that offers sensible and efficient inventory counting solutions to auto parts dealers across the United States. In 2024 alone, we serviced dealers across 46 of the 50 U.S. States.

Let Dealer Solutions Inc. Do The Counting

Don’t let ineffective inventory control lead to parts and profit loss along the way. Trust Dealer Solutions Inc. to do your counting for you. Our experienced and meticulous team prides themselves on their backgrounds as Parts Managers and Fixed Operations Directors. You can count on Team DSI to deliver customized inventory solutions to keep your auto parts business running smoothly.

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